Looking to sell a six figure website?

I'm offering free advice on where to sell, based on my experience of selling on Empire Flippers, FE International and Flippa

If you have a six-figure website (i.e. one that’s making at least $3K/m in profit) and are looking to sell and would like some advice on how to sell and who to choose, email me and I’ll be in touch.

I’ve sold on brokerages / marketplaces

In 2017 I built and sold software review content site Funnel Engine through FE International.

In 2018 I partnered with the investor who bought the above site and we flipped it a year later on Empire Flippers for 2x (six-figure exit)

I’ve also personally sold a website on Flippa privately, and as a Flippa-affiliated broker for a $320K listing that successfully sold.

I’ve sold privately

In 2019 I sold the FlippingWebsites.co Facebook group and podcast to Alpha Investors and became Director of Acquisitions where managed a 7 figure deal pipeline and helped put together the due diligence process that became Investors Club.

In 2020 I built and sold the Website Investing publication on substack (investing.substack.com) to Travis Jamison from Smash.vc and co-founded the investing.io paid community (6-figure exit). I wrote why I decided to do this on Indiehackers and the exit got covered on They Got Acquire.

In 2022 I had an acquihire of the alts.substack.com substack publication and Discord community to Flippa https://flippa.com/blog/alts-by-flippa-alternative-investor-community/ and became Director, Investor Community.

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